Monday, March 26, 2012

exercise 3

3 book reviews:

  • it is written in the present tense
  • basically a light summary of most of the book, hints to climatic events or secrets etc.
  • then it has a conclusion which interprets the authors purposes and picks out specific tactics etc.
  •  presents basic themes
  • refers to terms used in the book, sometimes doesn't exactly explain what they mean - factions, Abnegation faction, etc.
  • says what interests it will include-danger, sweet romance, intriguing psychiatric excavations, and nonstop captivating action

Reading log #2

This week I read 119 pages of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I read while running on the trail but I can only do like one page. I read my Bible which I have really been enjoying, but I again am going to wait until I am done with Extremely Loud to start my 1984 or Grapes of Wrath, or maybe Ill read them on the way to West Virginia. I am enjoying the book and I really like how it gives two points of view. Sometimes the multiple view points are annoying though because I really want to keep reading about the person I’m following at the moment, not a new story. I personally like the Grandma and Grandpa’s story more which is ironic because I think the book is supposed to be more focused on the little boy’s.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Note #1

 "Do Not Stand at my Grave" and Weep By Mary Elizabeth Frye
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.

Mary Frye's poem about death engenders the bliss and comfort of death through its use of lightly full murals . Her fluffy diction has an imagistic connotation that sets a peaceful mood with quietly calm pictures of silently remaining after death as a comfort to others. The sleeping souls are "in the thousand winds that blow", provinging their imortality. Frye's living-nature dreams allow the dead to give comfort by showing that they live on. Her breezy lasting reassurances prove that love and rest for mourners can be found even in the "morning hush". Gentle feasable encouragement is easier to cling to, feeling a loved one in "each lovely thing" is easier than trying to find them in everyday busy life.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Excercise 2

       He "kept his butt cocked to one side, his feet up on the shut rails so that the bull couldn't grind his leg, brad him up, so that if it  thrashed he could get over the to in hurry." Error #2
       Roberta's story is going to be about "the cruddy time on a cruddy street on the side of a cruddy hill in the cruddiest part of a crudded-out town in a cruddy state, country, world, solar system, universe." Error #2
       This is quickly shunned away by the foreshadowing of the danger soon to come as he "slapps his face forcefully, bringing adreneline roses to his cheeks." Error #3
        More Cowbell Please is a really good one.

excercise 1

Lynda Barry's straight forward literal connotation makes her work and tone abrupt as it skips over the repeated "cruddys". The bold blurting of the word "cruddy" in every line portrays an angry speaking character."Cruddy time on a cruddy street" paints a gloomy even crusty town. Roberta is a "cruddy girl ..on a cruddy bed" and her repulsed attitude to the vile world is emphasized in capitalized letters, "I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU TOUCH THIS JULIE". Cruddy sounds like a broken CD as it skips over the inserted and unnecessary additions of her mildly vulgar term. Her pessimistic account of the speakers anger, makes her main character strong and upset.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Reading Log: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

This week I met my 100 page requirement with 103 pages of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. The whole quarter then also equals 103. I read while biking on the trail, read my bible like I was supposed to, but haven’t started 1984 or Grapes of Wrath yet though. As For what I am reading, I love it so much. I saw the movie and it was absolutely horrible. It was the first movie I’ve ever wanted to leave but I kept reading the book and it’s so different from the movie; because for one it actually has a plot and it also has two stories going on – the 911 one and a Holocaust survivor one. I like the diction of the speaker when it is supposed to be the little boy talking and also the overall syntax. Since the boy has autism or ADHD or whatever he has, he jumps around a ton in his story and I think it personifies his character well.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reading Goals Q4

My reading goals for quarter 4 are:
1)read 1984 because my class isn't and Grapes of Wrath.. hopefully good and useful as literature references for SAT Writing.
2) read the bible 10 minutes a day
3) read while exercising- running on the trails, biking, walking, planking, pushups etc.

anthology theme statement

My anthology is going to be about soldiers. Soldiers are a good topic because the poems can take so many different tones and dictions. One more elevated and classical poem is called The Wound-Dresser by Walt Whitman. A eulugy by Mary Elizabeth Frye gives another sad perspective- Do Not stand At my Grave and Weep, other poems could be about bravery pride and courage. A song I could use is "Im Already There" by Lonestar about a family calling and being comforted by their soldier, or Carrie Underwood's this is just a dream.Young Soldier. "If you're Reading this"

Friday, March 2, 2012

More Inspiration 3-2-12

 A personal role model of mine is Mother Teresa; well maybe I can call her a role model. I know what she did, but I haven't exactly researched her. But everyone knows Mother Teresa was unique; Everyone knows she was a hero and a leader. Many people aspire to be like her. But most of us, myself included for sure, desire greatness but don't strive for it. Rediscover Catholicism points out two things that all successful people have- whether it is Michael Jordan, or Bill Gates, or Mother Teresa; number one- they found a "singleness of purpose" for life and set a goal, and then they formed habits that would lead them to and achieve their goals. Then it asks if the reader has a clearly defined goal. I can't help but answer no. I know that right now I need to focus hard in school, maintain friendships, maintain my relationship with God, and ultimately be a generally well rounded  good person; but I have nothing specific to define my life. I don't know what to pick yet, but the book tells me my goal should help me become the best version of myself. As a vague one, I want people to think of me and think kind. I want my life to be an example to others- an example of someone who is fun but not sinning or getting in trouble. And I definitely don't want to be the good kid gone bad. I want to remain a role model and stay moralistic, because you never know who could be basing part of their life off your own example- you don't want to let them down. Whatever my goal, or your goal is,the book advises all your actions should reflect your goal. It may not be easy at first, but once all your choices are based on your goal, suddenly the goal falls into place. And now your striving.